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Dr. Joanna Staneva

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Dr. Joanna Staneva

Hydrodynamik und Datenassimilation


Tel: +49 (0)4152 87-1804

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  • Aktuelle Forschungsthemen: Zirkulations- und Wellenmodellierung, Ozeanvorhersagen, Erdsystemmodellierung, Klimawandel, Modellierung der Meeresumwelt, Wellendynamik, naturbasierte Lösungen, Co-Nutzungen von Meeresressourcen, digitaler Zwilling und maschinelles Lernen, Küsten- und regionale Ozeanographie.

Scientific career

Since 11/2017Group LeaderHydrodynamics and Data AssimilationInstitute for Coastal Research, Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht (Hereon), Germany
2013-2017Senior scientistTopic Coordinator “Wave Modelling"Institute for Coastal Research, Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht (Hereon), Germany
2007-2013ScientistClimate SystemInstitute for Coastal Research, Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht (Hereon), Germany
2003-2007 PostDocClimate System DivisionAlfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany, University of Oldenburg, Germany
1999-2000Scientist National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgaria
1998-1999PostDoc Écologie des Systèmes AquatiquesUniversité Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
1994-1998Scientist Scientist: University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Education and Training

1998 PhD in Physical Oceanography, Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
1993MSc in Meteorology and Geophysics, Department of Meteorology and Geophysics, University of Sofia, Sofia Bulgaria


2004OceanWeather Forecasting. An Integrated view in Oceanography, La Londe Les Maures, France
1998Course on Mediterranean Sea(s) Circulation and Ecosystem Functioning, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
1998NATO ASI on Ocean Modelling and parameterization, Les Houches, France.
1996International School on Ecological Modelling. Erdemli, Turkey
1994 Regional Training Course on Strategies and Methodologies for Applied Marine Radioactivity and Environmental Isotope Studies for the Black Sea, Istanbul, Turkey

Selected Activities

Member of different editorial and scientific boards and reviewer of scientific programmers, projects (H2020, DFG, FP7) and journals.
Coordinatorof the CMEMS Service Evolution Project Wave2NAMO
Principle Investigator (PI)in many international (e.g. H2020, CMEMS, FP7, FP4-6) and national (BMBF, DFG) funded projects.
Memberof the GODAE The Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas Task Team (COSS-TT)
MemberNEMO Developer steering committee
Expert in Wave-NEMO modelling working group
Publications 2020 - 2021
Publications 2018 - 2019
Publications 2016 - 2017
Publications 2011 - 2015
Publications 1995 - 2010

Joanna Staneva ist Hauptverantwortliche für mehrere nationale und internationale Projekte

AkronymTitelMittelgeberVerantwortlich/ BeteiligtLaufzeit
BAW VertragEinbau der aktuellen Quellterme des Seegangmodells WAM in das Un_K_Modell der BAWBAWJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Heinz Günther (KSD)
2022 - 2025
CMEMS 2 (Phase 1) BS-MFCBlack Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (CMEMS2)EUJoanna Staneva2022 - 2024
CRANMAN IIWissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur Biologie und Fischerei der Nordseegarnele CRANgon crangon als Basis für ein effizientes Selbst-MANagement System
(Folgeprojekt zu CRANMAN, 2018-2022)
Niedersachsen/ EMFAF,
Leitung: Uni Hamburg
Joanna Staneva (KSD),
Marcel Ricker (KSD)
2024 - 2026
DOORSDeveloping Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black SeaEUJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Andreas Neumann (KCN)
2021 - 2025
DWD VertragTechnischer Support und Validierung des gekoppelten Wellenmodells „ICON-WAM“ des DWDDWDJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Marcel Ricker (KSD)
2023 - 2027
EDITO - Model LabUnderlying models for the European Digital Twin OceanEUJoanna Staneva2023 - 2025
FOCCUSForecasting and observing the open-to-coastal ocean for Copernicus usersEUJoanna Staneva2024 - 2026
LandSeaLotLand-Sea interface: Let’s observe together!EUYoana Voynova (KCP), Holger Brix (KCG),
Joanna Staneva (KSD)
2024 - 2028
MANCOGAMangroves as Nature-Based Solutions to Coastal Hazards in Eastern GhanaMeerWissen Initiative, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)Holger Brix (KCG),
Joanna Staneva (KSD),
Bughsin Djath (KSD),
Philip-Neri Jayson-Quashigah
2022 - 2025
NECCTONNew Copernicus capability for trophic ocean networksEU Ute Daewel (KST),
Zhiyong Xie (KUO),
Participating scientists from KSD: Joanna Staneva
2023 - 2026
OLAMUROffshore low-trophic aquaculture in multi-use scenario realizationEUJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Jochen Horstmann (KDD)
2023 - 2026
REST-COASTLarge scale restoration of coastal ecosystems: river to sea connectivityEUJoanna Staneva2021 - 2026
SEA-ReCapResearch Capacity Building for healthy, productive and resilient Seas - European PartneringHGFJoanna Staneva2021 - 2025
VERYBLUEValidation/VERIfication and intercomparison of forecast and reanalysis BLUE productsMercator Océan InternationalJoanna Staneva2023 - 2024

Frühere Projekte

Mercator Ocean, COPERNICUS - Marine Enviroment Monitoring Service (CMEMC) Black Sea (2018 - 2023)

EU (H2020) Black Sea CONNECT (2019 - 2023)

EU Project COPERNICUS Ocean, COASTAL-RISKS Predicting risks of the German Bight Coasts under extreme storm events

ESA SeaStar SciRec

EU-FP5 Project: NUtrient Management in the DAnube Basin and its Impact on the Black Sea –DANUBS. Responsible for the modeling work package.

EU-FP6 Project: ASSEMBLAGE: ASSEssMent of the BLAck Sea sedimentary system since the last Glacial Extreme, EVK3-CT-2002-00090

EU-FP6 Project: Proposal N° 036949-2 SESAME: “Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes” (2006-2010)

EU-FP6 Project: Proposal N° 036355-2 ECOOP: “European COastal-shelf sea OPerational observing and forecasting system (2007-2010)

DFG Research Project: “BioGeoChemistry of Tidal Flats” (2007-2009)

Monitoring and planning support of the German Bight, German Science Foundation
Project (2010-2012)


EU-FP7 PERSEUS: Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern EUropean Seas, 287600

EU-FP7 CoCoNET: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential, Nr. 287844

German Funded Project: WIMO „Wissenschaftliche Monitoringkonzepte für die Deutsche Bucht, German Project“ - Monitoring Concepts for the German Bight‘
Responsible for TP19.4 in EU-FP7-MyOcean-2 Project : coupling wave and circulation models

Responsible for TP19.4 in EU-Horizon2020 MyOcean-FO Project: coupling wave and circulation models

PI of COPERNICUS BS-MFC Project – Hereon is responsible for the wave modelling

Coordinator of COPERNICUS SE Project WAVE2NEMO

PI of CEASELESS H2020 project

Task Leader ESM