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Dr. Ute Daewel

Ute Daewel

Dr. Ute Daewel

Matter transport and ecosystem dynamics


Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-2821

E-mail contact

Research Interests

My main research interests focus on investigating biological-physical interactions in the marine ecosystem by developing and utilizing relevant coupled model systems. This includes spatially explicit Individual Based Model (IBM) for fish early life stages as well as fully coupled 3d ecosystem models. One major purpose of my recent research was to overcome the limitations of lower-trophic-level ecosystem models to simulate and understand changes in the marine food web and higher trophic level production. Thus I was enhancing the framework of the regional ecosystem model ECOSMO by including macrobenthos and fish to create a consistent End-to-End model system ECOSMO E2E.

Current projects

Recently finalized

Present Position

Research scientist at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Institute for Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modelling, Geesthacht, Germany


Dr. rer. nat., 2008, Dep. of Geosciences, University of Hamburg, Germany
Diploma, 2004, Dep. of Geosciences, University of Hamburg, Germany

Employment and working history

June 2016 – present Research scientist at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (Permanent Staff), Geesthacht, Germany
July 2013 – Mai 2016 Research scientist at NERSC, Bergen, Norway
Sep 2012 – June 2013 Associate Professor at Geophysical Institute, UiB, Norway
Jan 2008 – Aug 2012 Postdoc position at the Geophysical Institute, UiB, Norway
Jan 2005 – Dec 2008 PhD at University of Hamburg, Germany